ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT can be divided into following phases:


Record taking – In the first appointment we will take the patient’s records which include – Photographs (Intra oral and extra oral), Study models and X-rays. Upon a complete review of this information gathered we sit with the patient to discuss the case.

Case discussion – In this appointment we will provide you with a detailed and individualized treatment plan, exact treatment time and final treatment cost. With the photographs and models in front of the patient, you will know exactly how the treatment will proceed and what final results we can expect.

The patient can expect the treatment to proceed as planned with no eventual surprises. We will address any concerns or doubts the patients may have, until you are completely satisfied with the treatment plan and we will be as transparent as possible.

Putting on Braces – This is only done after all the fillings, extractions and the teeth are completely cleaned (if necessary). During this appointment, we make the patient as comfortable as possible. Usually we put on braces only on upper or lower teeth at a time so that the patient has enough time to adjust to the treatment.

Alignment phase – In this phase of the treatment we use thin round and rectangular wires to align your teeth. Heavy forces are avoided so you may have minimal discomfort.

Correction phase – The gaps in teeth are closed and most of the bite correction is done in this phase of treatment.

Finishing Phase – This phase includes correction of any remaining bite issues, creating a beautiful smile and positioning the teeth perfectly, which improves facial appearance.

Retention phase – This is the most important phase of the entire treatment process. You MUST wear your retainer in order to stabilize the teeth in their final position. We provide you with an option of both fixed and removable (conventional and transparent) retainers.

Follow ups – We prefer to see our patient’s once in six months, so that we can maintain the perfect smile that we have achieved.
