Performing Regular check-up is the best way that your child can avoid cavities and future dental problems. Every child has unique needs and our recommendations will meet those needs. We fulfill these requirements by providing the best individualized treatment plan for your child.

What happens during a standard cleaning and check-up appointment?

  • An Detailed and Comprehensive dental examination
  • Scaling (Cleaning) and polishing
  • Dental X-rays, if necessary

Fluoride treatment, if recommended

Fluoride Treatment Cavity Prevention In KidsFluoride treatments:

At Kids and Braces Superspeciality Dental Clinic we are constantly looking for new dental technologies and procedures to help your children prevent cavities from infants to young adults (Adolescents).

Harmful acids are formed in mouth when bacteria and sugar combine. These acids demineralize the tooth and make them more susceptible to decay and cavity formation.

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral which has been proven to prevent tooth decay. Fluoride when applied to teeth either in gel or varnish form, remineralizes the outer most layer of tooth and makes the tooth more resistant to acid attacks. It reverses early small cavities and when combined with dental sealants is highly effective in preventing cavities.

Depending upon your child’s oral health status, fluoride treatments may be recommended every 3, 6 or 12 months.


Sealants are a protective coating applied to the chewing surface of teeth. It is worked into the tiny grooves where cavity-causing bacteria live. Toothbrush bristles are too large to reach into the grooves making sealant application one of the most important preventive treatments available. The procedure is quick, painless and very effective.

These materials are Fluoride (anti cavity agent) releasing thereby having added benefit.

It is recommended on the young permanent 1st (6-7yrs) and 2nd molars (12-13yrs) just after their eruption. It is even recommended on premolars and cingulum of front teeth if the pits and fissures are deep.

Dental Sealants For Prevention Of Cavity In Kids
Dental Sealants For Prevention Of Cavity In Kids


Tooth Filling In KidsFillings or Restoration of the decayed tooth is done with the tooth coloured bio compatible materials so as to blend it with the natural shade of the tooth. Restoration of the cavity is done so that the caries/decay doesn’t progress further in to the tooth. We don’t recommend Silver filings in kids because of presence of toxic mercury in it.

At Kids and Braces Superspeciality Dental Clinic we use the best quality materials available keeping  our young patients in mind.


Root Canal In KidsIf decay is left untreated it reaches the nerve of the tooth. This situation might be painful for some kids. In such cases it is mandatory to clean all infected pulp and fill it with the material which is biocompatible for milk tooth and best for your child. This procedure is called Pulpectomy. If not treated promptly, the infection reaches the developing tooth underneath and therefore may hamper the immunity of the developing tooth.

If the tooth is infected beyond repair, the tooth needs to be removed. Our first priority is always to preserve the natural tooth. In case the tooth needs to be extracted we recommend putting space maintainer in place to preserve the space and guide the erupting permanent tooth into proper position.
